选择一个好听的游戏名字可以让游戏更具吸引力。夜幕之影 (Shadow of the Night)星辰之心 (Heart of the Stars)幻境之旅 (Journey through the Realm)永恒之光 (Eternal Light)古老传说 (Ancient Legends)梦幻之城 (Dreamscape)时空漂流 (Chrono Drift)神秘大陆 (Mystic Continent)幻想之门 (Gate of Fantasy)破晓之战 (Dawn of Battle)奇迹之夜 (Night of Wonders)星际航行 (Stellar Odyssey)天使之翼 (Wings of Angels)魔法学院 (Academy of Magic)未来之城 (City of Futures)英雄传说 (Heroic Saga)暗影王座 (Throne of Shadows)魔法之门 (Gate of Magic)迷失之地 (Lost Lands)龙之崛起 (Rise of the Dragons)神秘之谜 (Mystery of the Enigma)太空探险 (Space Odyssey)无尽冒险 (Endless Adventures)黑暗传承 (Legacy of Darkness)幽灵船队 (Ghost Armada)魔法守护者 (Guardians of Magic)光明之路 (Path of Light)未知星球 (Unknown Planets)时间漩涡 (Time Vortex)魔法幻境 (Magic Realms)远古秘辛 (Ancient Secrets)未来战争 (Future Warfare)永恒传说 (Eternal Legends)恶魔之眼 (Eye of the Demon)星辰漫游 (Stellar Roaming)冰与火之歌 (Song of Ice and Fire)夜幕降临 (Nightfall)宇宙之门 (Gateway to the Cosmos)遗忘之地 (Forgotten Realms)命运之轮 (Wheel of Destiny)